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BEAT has an extensive database of environmental resources to aid our community in staying connected and engaged with their local and state governments and environmental organizations and also to help educate people on zero waste, wildlife, wetlands, water protection, and so much more. Scroll down to see more.

MA Environmental Town Bylaws & Ordinances

Due to community interest, we have begun compiling a working list of environmental town bylaws and ordinances. These include pollinators and pesticides, solar promotion and regulation, wind power, pipelines, building and energy codes, and climate change planning. Click here to find out more and see our ongoing spreadsheet.

Berkshire County Resources

Find Your Legislator

Berkshire Environmental Organizations

Berkshire County Water Protection Organizations

Massachusetts Resources

MA Environmental Organizations

MA Laws & Regulations

Endangered Species Act

Open Meeting Law

Public Records Law

State Ethics Commission

History of Federal Wetland Protection

MA State Agencies

MA Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)

MA Environmental Protection Act (MEPA) Office

MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program (NHESP)

MA Local Government

Conservation Commissions

Find Your Western MA Legislator

Federal Government Resources

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New England District

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Wildlife Resources

Climate Change & Wildlife

How to Certify a Vernal Pool

Road Ecology & Wildlife

Wildlife Tracking

Living with Wildlife

Don’t Believe It?

Scientific arguments in support of climate change and evidence to combat climate change denial arguments. Click here to view the page.

Zero Waste Resources

We have made tremendous progress in reducing the amount of waste we produce at BEAT. We are continuously working to help others cut back on the amount of waste they produce — whether that be through providing free recycling programs to the community, creating zero-waste initiatives, offering educational workshops, setting up incentive programs, or simply compiling waste-reduction resources in one convenient place for people! Click here to get to our Zero Waste page.

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