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Bring Back the Pollinators: Managing Pests While Protecting Pollinators


Thursday, July 21 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM How can we manage pests while protecting pollinators in home yards? Good garden pollinator habitat requires flowering plants and undisturbed places for pollinators to nest, but home landscapes also need to be…

Fall Gardening for Pollinators: Creating a Resilient Garden for All Seasons


Join Emily May, Pollinator Conservation Specialist with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, to talk about supporting pollinators and other wildlife in our yards and gardens through the changing seasons. Where do beneficial insects spend the winter? What does gardening…

In the Life of Threatened Fireflies


There is more to fireflies than just summer sparkles! Join endangered species conservation biologist Richard Joyce for a presentation about the fireflies of the USA, focusing on the natural history and conservation needs of our most threatened species. He will…

In the Life of the Bumble Bee Queen (and the Cuckoo too!)


Join Rich Hatfield, Xerces Senior Endangered Species Conservation Biologist, to take a deep dive into the reproductive females of bumble bees, including cuckoo bumble bees. We'll primarily look at the solitary phase of the lifecycle, including what is known about…

In the Life of Nocturnal Pollinators


Join Xerces pollinator conservation biologist Emily May to learn more about the pollinators that come out to work as others turn in for the evening. Moths, flies, beetles, and other dusk and night-time pollinators can play important roles in pollinating…

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