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Housatonic River Cleanups with HVA & BEAT

Housatonic River

Saturday, July 23 9:00 AM — 1:00 PM BEAT and Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) are heading back into the west branch of the Housatonic River, with our waders on and our canoes in tow, for another river cleanup! Since beginning annual…

Paddle Down the Housatonic River with HVA

Housatonic River

Date: Sunday, September 25 Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Lenox, MA Join Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) this Sunday, September 25th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 noon, for a FREE paddle trip in the Housatonic River in Lenox, MA! The…

NAACC Terrestrial Connectivity Training Webinar


The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) and BEAT are co-sponsoring an upcoming webinar on the NAACC terrestrial protocol led by Scott Jackson, a professor in the Department of Environmental Conservation at UMass Amherst. The NAACC (North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative) tool is a protocol…

HVA’s Auction for the Environment

South Farms Morris, Conneticut

Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) is on a climate-ready mission to restore, conserve and protect clean cold waters and a sweeping woodland corridor across the entire Housatonic Valley, and friends like you make it possible! Your attendance at HVA’s Auction for…

FREE Stream Smart Training with HVA

Berkshire Community College 1350 West St., Pittsfield, MA

The Berkshire Clean, Cold, & Connected Partnership is hosting a workshop on how to implement Stream Smart Culvert Replacements to help conservation commissions, nonprofits, highways, and towns with navigating culvert replacements to ensure they are fish-friendly and flood resilient. Join Housatonic…

Landscaping for Climate Change: Practical Solutions for Managing Your Yard


Learn about solutions for managing climate change on your property including infiltrating stormwater, using native plants, removing invasive plants, and installing porous pavement. Landscaping using nature-based solutions uses techniques that support pollinators, improve water quality, reduce waterfront erosion and can save…

Cleanup Day with MassWildlife, HVA, and BEAT

George Darey Housatonic River Valley Wildlife Management Area New Lenox Rd., Lenox, MA

Join MassWildlife, Housatonic Valley Association (HVA), BEAT, and local volunteers for a day of service and fun! This cleanup is taking place on land and the Housatonic River. After the cleanup, there will be a cookout/lunch for volunteers! Click here…

Bacteria Monitoring in the Housatonic Watershed

We are excited to begin our fourth season of bacteria monitoring thanks to Mass DEP funding. This year we will assess 9 - 10 sites for bacteria. Volunteers are needed to collect samples about 2 times a month from mid-June…

First Annual Berkshire Pride Paddle!

Housatonic River-Decker Boat Launch 298 New Lenox Rd, Lenox, MA, United States

As part of the Housatonic Valley Association's Celebrate the Watershed event, HVA is partnering with the organization Q-MoB (Queer Men of the Berkshires) for a paddle on the Housatonic River. They'll launch at Decker Landing and paddle downstream and back…

CANCELED: West Branch Housatonic River Cleanup

Wahconah Park

We're heading into the west branch of the Housatonic River, with our waders on and our canoe in tow, for one of our annual river cleanups! Cleanups make a considerable difference in the health of the Housatonic River. Over the…

HVA’s Annual Auction for the Environment

South Farms Morris, Conneticut

Join the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) for their annual Auction for the Environment with Christine Baranski as the entertaining and beloved host. Auctioneer Sherry Truhlar, back by popular demand, promises a fun and lively afternoon of bidding. Their silent auction…

Kickoff Paddle Pittsfield to Lenox – Celebrate our Watershed with HVA

Fred Garner Park Pomeroy Ave., Pittsfield, MA

Join the Housatonic Valley Association to paddle from Pittsfield to Lenox on the beautiful Housatonic River to kick-off the 2024 Celebrate Our Watershed Event. The group will meet at 10:30 am at Fred Garner Park in Pittsfield, MA, at which…

Celebrate Our Watershed with HVA Kickoff Paddle: Pittsfield to Lenox

Fred Garner Park Pomeroy Ave., Pittsfield, MA

Join the Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) to paddle from Pittsfield to Lenox on the beautiful Housatonic River to kick off the 2024 Celebrate Our Watershed Event. The group will meet at 10:30 am at Fred Garner Park in Pittsfield, MA,…

Housatonic Valley Association Meet & Greet at Red Lion

Red Lion Inn 30 Main St., Stockbridge, MA

Join Housatonic Valley Association to learn about their work in the Berkshires, and meet new Berkshire Watershed Director Erik Reardon Please email Gina Scherbner at by April 30, to RSVP. DATE: Friday, May 3 TIME: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM LOCATION: The…

Volunteer: West Branch Housatonic River Cleanup

Wahconah Park

We're heading into the west branch of the Housatonic River, with our waders on and our canoes in tow, for our annual river cleanups! Cleanups make a considerable difference in the health of the Housatonic River. Over the years, BEAT…

Volunteer: West Branch Housatonic River Cleanup

Wahconah Park

We're heading into the west branch of the Housatonic River, with our waders on and our canoe in tow, for our annual river cleanups! Cleanups make a considerable difference in the health of the Housatonic River. Over the years, BEAT…

Volunteer: West Branch Housatonic River Cleanup

Wahconah Park

We're heading into the west branch of the Housatonic River, with our waders on and our canoe in tow, for our annual river cleanups! Cleanups make a considerable difference in the health of the Housatonic River. Over the years, BEAT…

Top O’ the Meadow Gathering and Hawk Watch

Topsmead State Forest Buell Road, Litchfield, CT

Join Friends of Topsmead State Forest, HVA, Litchfield Hills Audubon Society, and Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection for this Hawk Watch event! Come explore some of the incredible biodiversity in western Connecticut through a guided migration watch led by Ann Orsillo…

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