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Meadowmaking for Beginners


Part of Grow Native Massachusetts' Evenings with Experts series Meadow-style plantings are becoming increasingly popular, particularly as an alternative to the lawns that cover tens of millions of acres in the U.S. Our turf monocultures have many detrimental environmental impacts,…

The Secret Lives of Native Bees


Part of Grow Native Massachusetts' Evenings With Experts series You’ve probably heard “Save The Bees!” but do you know which bees need saving? Over 4000 species of bees inhabit North America, and most don’t live in hives or make honey.…

Identifying Invasive Plants


Identifying Invasive Plants workshop by Meredith Gallogly, Grow Native Massachusetts During this workshop, Meredith will describe the characteristics of common invasive plants and the best ways to distinguish them from native look-alikes. She will also discuss the history behind the…

Gardening Among Hungry Mammals


Part of Grow Native Massachusetts' Evenings With Experts series It’s hard to imagine, but white-tailed deer were once nearly extinct in dozens of states. Their abundance now puts them at odds with most gardeners, who become frustrated by the ineffectiveness of…

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