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Canoeing the West Branch: 2007
July 16, 2008 – Jim McGrath, Park, Open Space, and Natural Resource Program Manager in Pittsfield; David Frasier, Westside resident; and Jane Winn, Director of BEAT; canoed the King Street Dump section of the West Branch of the Housatonic River. We specifically canoed the section between Wahconah Park and King Street where the river is divided into two branches – more or less (see the pictures at the top of this page).
The branch that curves around closest to King Street has relatively little trash in it and lots of pickerel weed blooming with lovely purple flowers at this time of year. However, there is one area with strange discoloration, that we reported to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection in 2007. There is also a place where road runoff is sending tons of sand and gravel into the river. We reported that to the Pittsfield Department of Public Works 7/22/2008. The branch that is farther east has lots of big trash – dozens of large, plastic garbage cans, barrels, crates, plastic toys, and other strange stuff. We are planning on cleaning this area this summer, because without the trash, this is a lovely area to canoe – full of wildlife. A large beaver dam blocks the more easterly branch and a smaller one blocks the other branch. Neither stops the water, but to canoe at this time of year, you have to get out and lift the boat over the dam. |