Join VLT forester Caitlin Cusack to learn to distinguish between ash, basswood, and their look-alikes and discuss the future of these trees in a changing climate. DATE: Tuesday, February 28 TIME: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM LOCATION: Online »REGISTER HERE« COSTS: Free, but…
As the climate crisis worsens, many people are asking: What can I do? Where to begin? Try attending one — or all! — of Elders Climate Action (ELA) monthly "What can I do?" webinars. At their March webinar all about…
Do you have questions about Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC)? Recommendations for the best local reserves for birdwatching, dog walking, or other activities? What to do (or not do) about bears? Where to grab a sandwich and beer after a…
This talk is about the current biodiversity crisis; the evolutionary history among native plants, insects, birds and fungi, and how these interdependent relationships among diverse species are necessary for their survival. Amy Meltzer will show how growing native plants and using ecological landscape…
Nicole Keleher from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) will present on the status of the invasive Southern Pine Beetle in our region and recommendations for forest health. DATE: Monday, March 13 TIME: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM…