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NAACC Aquatic Connectivity Field Training Day (BEAT Volunteer Opportunity)

Multiple Locations Outdoors

Contribute to wildlife conservation through hands-on volunteer fieldwork! Natural, free-flowing waterways create ideal habitats for numerous wildlife species, particularly cold-water fish. However, culverts—those concrete, metal, or plastic pipes that allow streams and rivers to pass under roads—can hinder the movement…

NAACC Aquatic Connectivity Field Training Day (BEAT Volunteer Opportunity)

Multiple Locations Outdoors

Contribute to wildlife conservation through hands-on volunteer fieldwork! Natural, free-flowing waterways create ideal habitats for numerous wildlife species, particularly cold-water fish. However, culverts—those concrete, metal, or plastic pipes that allow streams and rivers to pass under roads—can hinder the movement…

A Day of Tracking & Perception

Chatham NY

Daniel Hansche of Spur Wander offers a one-day taste of the world of tracking when it is experienced while honing our perceptions remains at the forefront of our approach to solving the mysteries that the wildlife inevitably leave behind. Tracking…

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