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Vernal Pools


Tuesday, January 25, 5:00-6:30pm This webinar will provide an in-depth look at vernal pools and their importance for a special group of amphibians that live in the forest. How do these small, seemingly insignificant wetlands play such an important role…

Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet


Roads are so ubiquitous that they’re practically invisible to us, but wild animals experience them as entirely alien forces of disruption. Join the Harris Center for a special evening with award-winning environmental journalist and author Ben Goldfarb as he discusses…

Salamander Crossing Brigade Workshop


As the earth thaws and spring rains drench New Hampshire, thousands of amphibians migrate to vernal pools and other wetlands to breed. Sadly, many are killed when their journeys take them across roads. Every year, the Harris Center trains community…

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