STORY WALK® Series: From Apple Trees to Cider, Please!
Great Falls Discovery Center 2 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MAOctober 22 through November 10—From Apple Trees to Cider, Please! by Felicia Sanzari Cherneskey. For young readers ages 4-8, and everyone who loves the fall harvest season. Enjoy a story, fresh air and exercise! Join us on the grounds of the center for a…
Tuesday Treks: Dyken Pond Center
Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center 475 Dyken Pond Rd., Cropseyville, NYTuesday Treks : 12:30pm - 2:30pm Join Len Tremblay on a moderately paced 3 mile hike every Tuesday in November to explore the wilds of Dyken Pond Center. Learn the trail system one at a time with a knowledgeable guide.…
Learn About Trees: Springside Park
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 (corrected date) Herbert Aboretum at Springside Park 874 North Street; Pittsfield, MA 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Pittsfield Parks & Recreation Learn about trees!: Stop by and get your questions answered about trees from RSVP member…
Williamstown Rural Lands (WRL), a private non-profit, member-supported land conservation trust, invites members of the community to participate in a virtual autumn auction featuring unique local goods and experiences that represent the best of Berkshire County. The auction this year…
2021 Fall WasteWise Forumn Webinar
Online/ZoomThe 2021 Fall WasteWise Forum Webinar on Wednesday, November 10 from 10:00am-12:00pm. This free webinar will be focused on strategies and opportunities to reduce and recover food waste, including information on the commercial organics waste ban and presentations from businesses…
Saving Ocean Biodiversity & Confronting the Shifting Baseline Syndrome
November 10, 12PT/3ET Register Here: Saving Ocean Biodiversity & Confronting the Shifting Baseline Syndrome The NPS Connected Conservation (C2) initiative is pleased to announce our new webinar mini-series focusing on the importance of conserving corridors for wildlife migration, climate adaptation, and broader…
Advocacy Hour: Sierra Club MA Campaign Updates
Online/ZoomAdvocacy Hour: Sierra Club MA Campaign Updates Join Sierra Club Massachusetts leaders on Zoom for a campaign update, every Wednesday at 5pm. This is an opportunity to get plugged into our campaigns, learn about timely issues and ongoing projects, and…
A Deeper Dive into the Personal Nature Essay – Online
Program is full. Email or call 781-259-2151 for waitlist. Sponsored by Mass Audubon Education Schedule: 2 classes Wed, Nov 10, 2021 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Wed, Nov 17, 2021 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Location: Online Audience: Members:$50.00, Nonmembers:$60.00 Expressing yourself…
Talking Trash and Recycling
Online/ZoomWednesday, November 10, 2021 7:00PM - 8:15PM Talking Trash and Recycling Audience - General Public Are you confused about what should go in your trash barrel and what should go in your recycling bin? Learn what really happens to your trash and…
Virtual Volunteer Fair – with BEAT
Online/ZoomJoin BEAT to learn about volunteer / career opportunities and speak directly with members of our team for more information. Get to know us! Come stop by our virtual booth! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER HERE ____ The Nonprofit Center of…
Virtual Volunteer Fair w/ BEAT
Get involved today; learn about opportunities with BEAT THIS FRIDAY from 12pm to 3pm. Speak directly with members of our team who will be there to answer all of your questions! Get to know us, come stop by our virtual…
Hiking 101 for Families – Online
Sponsored by Mass Audubon Education November 12, 2021 (Friday) 6:30-8:00pm Location:Online Instructor:Doug Lowry - Adult Learning Specialist - South East Region Audience:Family- children 0 & up Fee:Free Don't venture outside unprepared, learn how to get the most out of your…
Central Berkshire Christmas Count
Saturday 12/18/21 Central Berkshire Christmas Count Join a team and keep the tradition going. Sign up at the December Member’s Night meeting for the club, or contact count leader Holly Higinbotham (212-4352, Blizzard date is 12/19. There is a tentative…
Waterfowl on Berkshire Lakes and Ponds
November 13, 2021 (Saturday) 8:00-11:30am Location: Berkshire Lakes, Various Towns Instructor: Zach Adams - Teacher Naturalist, Berkshires Spend the morning visiting several Berkshire lakes in search of migrating waterfowl that only briefly stopover in the area. We'll search for loons,…
The Northwest Connecticut Waterfowl Census
Bartholomew's Cobble 105 Weatogue Rd, Sheffield, MASaturday 11/13/21 NW CT Waterfowl Census 8:00AM This trip is an annual census of Northwest Connecticut lakes. Meet at Bartholomew’s Cobble. Bring lunch and a scope. Trip ends about 2:00PM. Co-leaders: Kate Ryan (528-4355, and Rene Wendell (429-5025, Please contact for…
Ecology Walk at Hand Hollow Conservation Area
Hand Hollow State Forest New Lebanon, NYSaturday, Nov. 13, 10am-noon: Ecology Walk at Hand Hollow Conservation Area. Please join Claudia for a leisurely exploration of the plants and animals in the former beaver pond, old field, shrubland, forest, and along the creek. The walk is free,…
Aquatic Mammal Walk: Newcomb Pond
Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center 475 Dyken Pond Rd., Cropseyville, NYAquatic Mammal Walk: Saturday, November 13: 10am Hike to Newcomb Pond, one of Dyken Pond's prettiest and most secluded wetlands. Learn about the otters and beavers who live in this special area. Preregistration required. All ages welcome but must be…
Bob’s Way Hike, Monterey
Bob's Way Rt. 23, Otis, MAObserve the beautiful wetland and seasonal changes at Bob’s Way (RSVP requested) Sunday, November 14, 10:00 am—1:00 pm To RSVP email Mariah at (up to 15 participants) Difficulty: Moderate (moderate pace, moderate elevation changes) Description: Join us for this 2-mile hike…
Campaign Rally & March: Fix the New England Electric Grid
November 14th, 1-3PM, Crosier Park @Mackintosh Terrace, Holyoke MA RSVP: