Week of Events
Tuesday Treks
Tuesday Treks
Join Len Tremblay on a moderately paced 3-mile hike every Tuesday in March to explore the wilds of Dyken Pond Center. Learn the trail system one at a time with a knowledgeable guide. Each week we'll discover new ground and nature. Hikes…
Nice & Easy Trail Hike
Nice & Easy Trail Hike
Every Wednesday, except August 24 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Easy-paced, one- to three-mile guided hikes, geared toward seniors but open to all ages. A wonderful opportunity to join other hiking enthusiasts! Dress for variable weather and wear sturdy boots.…
Nice & Easy Trail Hike
Nice & Easy Trail Hike
Join other hiking enthusiasts for an easy-paced, one to three-mile guided hike geared toward seniors but open to all ages. Dress appropriately for winter weather; hiking poles and traction devices for boots (or snowshoes) are recommended. Trails may be snow-covered, icy, or muddy.…
Hike Gobble Mountain with Mammal Specialist John McDonald
Hike Gobble Mountain with Mammal Specialist John McDonald
Hike up to one of the lookouts along the ridge and enjoy the stories written in tracks and signs that animals leave behind. John McDonald, past Wildlife Society president and professor at Westfield State University, will lead participants on this…
Explore the Fauna, Flora, and Cultural History of Waconah Falls
Explore the Fauna, Flora, and Cultural History of Waconah Falls
Led by Naturalist and Tamarack Hollow Director, Aimee Gelinas, this hike will weave through hemlock groves, glacial erratics and along a cascading brook and falls. Participants will learn about the flora (plants, trees, wild edibles), the fauna (signs of wildlife)…
Housatonic Heritage Walks – A Woodland Hike from Gould Farm to the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery
Housatonic Heritage Walks – A Woodland Hike from Gould Farm to the Berkshire National Fish Hatchery
Part of the 21st Annual Housatonic Heritage Walks series. Housatonic Heritage Walks are FREE, guided interpretive walks to the most interesting historic, cultural, industrial, natural and scenic sites in Berkshire County, MA, & Litchfield County, CT. Learn about Gould Farm’s history,…
Explore the Fauna, Flora, and Cultural History of The Old Mill Trail
Explore the Fauna, Flora, and Cultural History of The Old Mill Trail
This easy hike will follow the Housatonic River and will feature riverbank, forest, and floodplain ecology. Participants will learn about the flora (plants, trees, wild edibles), the fauna (signs of wildlife), and the cultural history of this unique conservation land…