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Butterfly Walk at Mountain Meadow Preserve

Mountain Meadow Preserve at the end of Mason St., Williamstown, MA

Bee Friendly Williamstown. Naturalists Elena Traister & Pam Weatherbee lead a leisurely walk to identify butterfly species and the plants that sustain them. Children are welcome. Terrain may not be suitable for those with mobility challenges. Rain cancels Meet at…

Field Lecture: Pollinators & Flowers

The Spruces 60 Main St., Williamstown, MA

Bee Friendly Williamstown. Professor Joan Edwards speaks on the exquisite adaptations of flowers to the insect species that pollinate them. Hand lenses provided. This event is child-friendly and wheelchair-accessible, on unpaved terrain. Meet at picnic tables near the multi-use path…

Asters and Goldenrods at Berkshire Botanical Garden

Berkshire Botanical Garden 5 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA

The many kinds of goldenrods and asters are a visually striking and ubiquitous feature of our late summer and fall landscapes. However, since many of them look much alike, they can be a challenge to identify. This class, led by Ted…

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