Invasive insects can have devastating impacts on our ecosystem, economy, and quality of life. But how are they able to be so disruptive, and what can we do about it? Join BEAT and Elizabeth Barnes, the Forest Pest Outreach Coordinator…
Join BEAT for an enlightening evening dedicated to exploring ways to promote sustainable biodiversity through intentional gardening and the cultivation of native plants that support native pollinators and wildlife. This free and open-to-the-public event will be held on Wednesday, April…
Join the Hoffmann Bird Club for their annual banquet, featuring a presentation by Dr. Alan Poole of Cornell University, entitled "The Resplendent Quetzal — Tourism and Land Use in Costa Rica". Click here to view the detailed announcement that contains…
Join Housatonic Valley Association to learn about their work in the Berkshires, and meet new Berkshire Watershed Director Erik Reardon Please email Gina Scherbner at by April 30, to RSVP. DATE: Friday, May 3 TIME: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM LOCATION: The…