February Family Friday: The Superpowers of Winter Birds
Berkshire Botanical Garden 5 West Stockbridge Rd., StockbridgeWeek of Events
February Family Friday: The Superpowers of Winter Birds
February Family Friday: The Superpowers of Winter Birds
Come to Berkshire Botanical Garden for a Winter Family Friday where you will enjoy MASS Audubon's The Superpowers of Winter Birds on Friday, Feb. 21, from 11 a.m. to noon. Have you seen any birds around you that never flew south for…
Winter Bird Walks with Ben Nickley
Winter Bird Walks with Ben Nickley
Ben leads a weekly bird walk right in the town of Great Barrington, in collaboration with The Great Barrington Land Conservancy. Learn to find, identify and more fully appreciate our winter resident birds on these community birds walks. Bring binoculars if…
Starlight Owl and Wildlife Prowl at Greylock Glen
Starlight Owl and Wildlife Prowl at Greylock Glen
Enjoy a starlit evening listening for owls and other nocturnal wildlife. Explore fields, forests, and wetlands, learning about the adaptations of animals that are active at night. Dress for the weather and enjoy a winter evening outside. This program covers…