Up the Creek – StoryWalk at Margaret Lindley Park
Margaret Lindley Park 1201 Cold Spring Rd., WilliamstownLearn the importance of working together as you take your own journey along Hemlock Brook. The walk is approximately 0.3 miles out-and-back. The audience for this book, Up the Creek by Nicholas Oldland, are 3 - 7 year olds, but…
Bobolinks! Guided Bird Walk
McAllister Park and Wildlife Refuge Hailey Rd, Great BarringtonA loquacious community of ground nesting birds are building in population at the Town of Great Barrington's McAllister Wildlife Refuge. (Learn more ...) Great Barrington Land Conservancy invites you to this collaborative guided bird walk led by John Felton & Greg…
Butterfly Walk at Mountain Meadow Preserve
Mountain Meadow Preserve at the end of Mason St., WilliamstownBee Friendly Williamstown. Naturalists Elena Traister & Pam Weatherbee lead a leisurely walk to identify butterfly species and the plants that sustain them. Children are welcome. Terrain may not be suitable for those with mobility challenges. Rain cancels Meet at…