Tuesday Treks at Dyken Pond
March 18 @ 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Join Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center to enjoy nature and the outdoors, learn a little bit about this beautiful planet we call home, develop or practice outdoor skills and become healthy through exercise and being outside! Join Len Tremblay on a moderately paced 3 mile hike every Tuesday in March to explore the wilds of the Dyken Pond Center. Learn the trail system one at a time with a knowledgeable guide. Each week, discover new ground and nature.
Hikes will be cancelled in bad weather. Preregistration required at meetup.com
Free. This program is for adults and older teens. Preregistration is required for all programs at (518) 658-2055 or dykenpond@gmail.com.
DATE: Tuesdays, March 11, 18 and 25
TIME: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
LOCATION: Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center, 475 Dyken Pond Road, Cropseyville, NY