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NAACC Aquatic Connectivity Field Training Day (BEAT Volunteer Opportunity)

Contribute to wildlife conservation through hands-on volunteer fieldwork! Natural, free-flowing waterways create ideal habitats for numerous wildlife species, particularly cold-water fish. However, culverts—those concrete, metal, or plastic pipes that allow streams and rivers to pass under roads—can hinder the movement…

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Berkshire Green Drinks: “The Invasive Spotted Lanternfly: What it does, what we can do, and hope for the future” with Elizabeth Barnes of Mass DAR

Invasive insects can have devastating impacts on our ecosystem, economy, and quality of life. But how are they able to be so disruptive, and what can we do about it? Join BEAT and Elizabeth Barnes, the Forest Pest Outreach Coordinator…

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Info Session with Scott Jackson: Wildlife Connectivity and Getting Trained in the NAACC Protocol

Join UMass Extension Professor Scott Jackson for this BEAT-organized info session about the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC) and learn how you can contribute to wildlife conservation through hands-on volunteer fieldwork! Free-flowing waterways provide better habitat for many wildlife…

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Berkshire Green Drinks: “Pollinator Paradise Lawns” with Rich Lassor of Nature Works Land Care

The March Berkshire Green Drinks free hybrid event will feature Rich Lassor, the owner and general manager of Nature Works Land Care. Join BEAT and Nature Works Land Care to learn different strategies to convert monoculture lawns to habitats that…

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