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The study site in North Adams covers 0.1mi of Route 2 and crosses into Florida.The two images right were taken from Google StreetView.The road is flat with guardrails, has forested hills on either side, and passes by little residential and commercial development. streetviewW
Ecological features nearby include BNRC’s Hoosac Range abutting the site, Savoy Mountain State Forest two miles to the south, Florida State Forest two miles to the southeast, and Monroe State Forest three miles to the east. steretviewE
This map serves to illustrate the location of the study site relative to other noteworthy features.


extent: 60,000

primary layers:

gray topographic with roads

edited CAPS data (red circles)

This map shows the topography at a closer extent and points out nearby culverts and bridges.




extent: 20,000

primary layers:

gray topography with roads

edited CAPS data (red circles)

unsurveyed culverts and bridges (yellow squares)

surveyed culverts and bridges (yellow squares with blue crosses)

This map shows CAPS data scores for each section of the road. The higher the score the greater the potential landscape connectivity for that segment of roadway.



extent: 20,000

primary layers:

CAPS data labeled

unsurveyed culverts and bridges (yellow squares)

surveyed culverts and bridges (yellow squares with blue crosses

This map serves to illustrate the ecological importance of the neighboring landscape.




extent: 20,000

primary layers:

*look at map legend







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