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aerial photo of the King Street Dump oxbow Canoeing the King Street DumpWest Branch of the Housatonic River May 2007 aerial photo of strange color sediment in cove of King Street Dump oxbow
On May 24, 2007 we (Carolyn Sibner, Housatonic Valley Association; Jenny Hersch, Housatonic River Museum; and Jane Winn, BEAT) canoed the West Branch of the Housatonic River from the confluence of Pecks Brook (from Onota Lake) and the West Branch (from Pontoosuc Lake) to the railroad bridge just above the Mill Street Dam. Here is a gallery of pictures from that day.

traffic barrels in river

King Street Dump area – traffic barrels along the side of the channel.


beaver lodge between the river and the oxbow

Carolyn Sibner from the Housatonic Valley Association checks out the beaver lodge.

goose eggs in nest

Several goose eggs were in a nest on the beaver lodge.

kayak approaching small beaver dam

Carolyn approaching the small beaver dam on the more easterly channel (closer to King Street.)

kayak made it over the small dam

…and she made it over the beaver dam safely.

Riverview Apartments from the river near West Street

Farther down stream – Riverview Apartments as viewed from the river near West Street in Pittsfield.

train going over the river

Near our take-out point. The river passes under the railroad tracks. You can see the train over the river.

Careful – just downstream of the railroad is Mill Street dam!
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